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Other Support Resources

If you, or someone you know, are a victim of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship violence or stalking the following campus and community resources are available for assistance.


On and Off Campus Resources  

There are many services established to assist individuals who have been sexually assaulted.   

Off Campus Resources

  • Chestertown Police (410) 778-1800
  • Sexual Assault Forensic Exams & Treatment - The two following area hospitals have sexual assault response programs in place. Forensic Nurse Examiners are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide confidential medical examination, STI and pregnancy prophylactics. The programs work in conjunction with For All Seasons, Inc., to provide advocacy support to victims.
    • University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Chestertown (410) 778-3300 - located adjacent to Washington College at 100 Brown Street, Chestertown, Maryland
    • University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton (410) 822-1000
    • For more information about sexual assault forensic examinations, visit RAINN's webpage, call RAINN's 24-hour National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE, or chat online here
  • For All Seasons, Inc., 1 (800) 310-7273
    • For All Seasons, Inc. is a free 24-hour confidential service that provides crisis and on-going counseling and support to survivors. Advocates are available to meet survivors at the hospital and support them during any time spent at the hospital.
  • Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault 
    • MCASA provides comprehensive resources for victims of sexual assault. 
  • Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence - 24 Hour Hotline: 1 (800) 927-4673
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Center, 1 (800) 310-7273
    A 24-hour confidential service that provides counseling, advocacy and support to survivors.


College Policies on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

Sexual Assault 

When sexual misconduct or sexual violence occurs in any form, the standards of the community, and possibly criminal laws, are violated. When reported, the College will deal with these issues in accordance with its policies and procedures and as required by applicable laws. Sexual misconduct committed in connection with any College program, whether on or off campus, is prohibited. This includes all College programs including (but not limited to) academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and residential programs.

Washington College urges individuals who believe they have been sexually assaulted to pursue criminal charges against the person or persons they believe to have committed the sexual assault. A criminal charge and an internal complaint can be pursued at the same time. Retaliation against an individual who brings a complaint, participates in an investigation, or pursues legal action is prohibited, and possible violations will be investigated and violations addressed in accordance with College policy and procedures. In cases of sexual assault or other sexual misconduct, College authorities will inform a Complainant of the option of criminal prosecution and medical assistance, as well as the Reporting Party’s rights under the Maryland Victim’s Rights Laws. This includes the right to assistance from the Maryland State Crime Reporting Party’s Reparation Board and the Maryland State Office of the Crime Complainant Ombudsman.  Public Safety will provide assistance in making a report to law enforcement officials if the Complainant wishes. A Complainant will also be informed of the right to file a complaint of sexual harassment (which includes sexual assault/violence). Students or employees wishing to file a complaint should follow the procedures outlined in the “Reporting Discrimination and Harassment” section found earlier in this policy.

When a Washington College student is the subject of a sexual assault/violence complaint, the individual filing the complaint will be informed of the role of the Honor Board’s Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board in evaluating whether the student who is the subject of the complaint is responsible for violations of College policy (including policies addressing discrimination and harassment). When a Washington College employee or third party is the subject of a sexual assault/violence complaint, the individual filing the complaint will be informed of the role of the DDRC or appropriate administrator in evaluating whether the individual who is the subject of the complaint is responsible for violations of College policy (including policies addressing discrimination and harassment).

College authorities, normally the Director of Public Safety, will notify the Chestertown Police of the sexual assault only at the request of the student or employee filing the complaint and will provide assistance in notifying any other law enforcement authorities or in preserving materials that may be relevant to the internal complaint process. At the direction of the Chestertown Police, College authorities will provide assistance in obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence for criminal prosecution.

Sexual Harassment 

For purposes of this policy harassment means unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct based on a protected classification (race, color, sex, disability, etc.) that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or education, (including living conditions, extracurricular activities, and social life) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or constituting a threat to an individual’s personal safety. Sexual harassment includes sexual violence/assault.

Washington College will not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Sexual harassment includes sexual violence/assault/misconduct. The goal of this policy is to create a community free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment committed in connection with any College program, whether on or off campus, is prohibited. This applies to academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, residential, and other College programs. Sexual harassment may be a violation of state and federal laws as well as a violation of this policy. Individuals who feel they have been sexually harassed may have the right to bring legal action, in addition to making a complaint to the College. Legal action and an internal complaint can be pursued at the same time. Sexual harassment includes sexual violence/assault. Retaliation against an individual who brings a complaint, participates in an investigation of sexual harassment, or pursues legal action is prohibited.

The essential importance of academic freedom is recognized and a standard of reasonableness will guide the College. Only when academic freedom is used to disguise, or as the vehicle for, prohibited conduct will it be questioned.

Washington College believes that ideas, creativity, and free expression thrive and, indeed, can only exist for students, faculty, and staff in an atmosphere free of sexual harassment and assault.