Alumni, Families, & Friends

    Alumni Connections

    Alumni Connections

    Alumni profiles, business directory, and class notes. 

    Alumni Calendar

    Alumni Events Calendar

    Upcoming alumni events and gatherings. 

    Lifelong Learning

    Alumni Travel Program

    Travel the world with our faculty. 

    Parents and Families

    Parents & Families

    Campus connections and resources to help your student.

    Traditions & Galleries

    Traditions & Galleries

    Event photos, Alumni Awards, and WC traditions. 

    Benefits & Networks

    Benefits & Volunteering

    Perks for alumni and ways to volunteer.

    Make a Gift

    Make a Gift

    Support WC in a way that reflects your values.


    update your info

    submit a class note

    Save the Dates

    Contact & E-mail



    Vice President's Office

    Susannah Chase ’90 P’21

    Susannah Chase ’90 P’21

    Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Relations

    Emily-Kate Smith '10

    Emily-Kate Smith '10

    AVP for Advancement and Alumni Relations

    Marc Dykeman

    Marc Dykeman M'07

    Director of Advancement Services and Strategy

    Sydney Day

    Executive Assistant to Susie Chase and Emily-Kate Smith 

    Advancement and Alumni Relations

    Shane Brill

    Shane Brill '03 M'11

    Lifelong Learning and Communications Coordinator

    Jack Despeaux

     Jack Despeaux '18

    Alumni Engagement Coordinator

    Mac Franklin

    Mac Franklin

    Athletics Gift Officer


    Deborah Franklin

    Deborah Franklin

    Assistant Director of Research

    L. Josephine Hawn ’08

    L. Josephine Hawn ’08

    Assistant Director of Advancement Services

    Jenny Houghton

    Jenny Houghton

    Director of Stewardship

    Julie Jans
    Julie Jans

    Director of Advancement Communications


    Karen M. Jones
    Karen M. Jones

    Assistant Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations

    Jennifer Kaczmarczyk

    Jennifer Kaczmarczyk
    Director of Campaign and Advancement Events 

    Jennifer Hizer

    Jennifer Hizer

    Assistant Director for Government Grants and Sponsored Programs

    Paula Naegele

    Paula Naegele

    Alumni Data and Gift Integrity Specialist

    Heidi Pearce

    Heidi Pearce

    Director of Alumni Engagement

    Fannie Hobba Shenk ’84 P’15 P’19

    Fannie Hobba Shenk ’84 P’15 P’19

    1782 Society and Alumni Engagement Director

    Valerie L. V. Stewart

    Valerie L. V. Stewart

    Executive Director, Institutional Giving and Stewardship

    From among the ranks of our dedicated alumni, Alumni Board members serve as advisers to the College staff and as a channel of communication with alumni. Each Alumni Board member is elected to serve as chair or co-chair of a committee in an area that is important to alumni and the College.

    • K. Edward Raleigh '08, Chair
    • Linda Deis '70
    • Bill Dunphy '73
    • Kim Eulner '88
    • Taylor Frey '17
    • Raquel Gomez Fernandez '16 
    • Maria Hynson '15 P'19
    • Shreyas Suresh '18
    • Tim Tawney '98
    • Minty Abraham Wade '04
    •Jack Taylor '13
    •Erin Jacobson '95
    •Phillip Estes '20
    •Lucas Morgan '16

    Keep in Touch

    If you would like to contact a member of your Alumni Board, please contact Advancement and Alumni Relations, and we will be glad to put you in touch with the appropriate Alumni Board member.