- 410-810-7484
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- Cromwell 215
Office of Student Achievement & Success
The most successful students engage with the undergraduate experience
The Dean of Student Achievement and Success helps students solve problems that interfere with their academic progress. We also help connect students with enrichment opportunities like funding for internships and experiential learning. Working collaboratively with Academic Advising, the Registrar, Student Affairs and other departments at the college, the Dean oversees programs, support, and interventions that help students learn and grow.
Resources for students experiencing problems that are interfering with their academic progress
After the Drop/Add period, students may withdraw from one or more courses, with the exception of a First-Year Seminar (see below), without penalty until the Friday following the mid-semester advising day (see Academic Calendar). A “W” grade will be noted on the student’s transcript.*
Withdrawal from a course (as distinct from withdrawal from the College) shall take place only after the student has discussed it with the faculty advisor or, if the student prefers, with the Dean for Student Achievement and Success. The student must submit a signed withdrawal form to the Registrar no later than the Friday after the mid-semester advising day.
NOTE: Students may not withdraw from a First-Year Seminar (FYS) without the approval of the Dean for Student Achievement and Success. Students who are approved to withdraw from a FYS must enroll in an appropriate FYS in the next possible semester. Withdrawals from FYS follow all other rules for course withdrawals.
*In general students can only withdraw from a total of three courses over the course of their 4 years at Washington College. There are two exceptions to this rule:
1. We do not count withdrawals when students have more than 16 credits in a semester (Catalog 2022-2023, page 50)
2. We do not count withdrawals during summer term (Catalog 2022-2023, page 78)
A student who withdraws from their studies at Washington College will find that this decision carries with it many consequences. Withdrawal can affect eligibility for continued access to financial aid or student loan deferral, College-based or external scholarship programs, private health insurance, and other insurance coverage. Thus, it is imperative that students who wish to withdraw from the College first complete the required paperwork and attend exit counseling where appropriate. The Dean of Student Achievement and Success assists students with the process of withdrawal, as outlined in the several options below, but it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to inform him or herself about the overall effects of a withdrawal.
If you need to withdraw from the semester contact Dean Lampman at alampman2@washcoll.edu
Link to the College Catalog section on "Withdrawal for Semester."
Students may take a temporary leave of absence from the College during the semester when medical or other personal circumstances require that they be away from campus for more than a few days.
Non-Medical Leave: In the case of a leave of absence for other than medical reasons, the student must contact the Dean for Student Achievement and Success, Dean Lampman at alampman2@washcoll.edu . The Dean informs Student Affairs and the faculty about the student’s leave of absence and helps the student contact faculty about keeping up with course work.
Medical Leave: In the case of a medical leave of absence, a student must consult with Health Services or Counseling Services about the problem that necessitates the leave. Health or Counseling Services advises the Provost’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs about the student’s request for a leave and, if the request is granted, advises the student, the Provost’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs about what he or she must do in order to be approved to return to classes. A student on medical leave of absence may not return to classes, reside on campus, participate in student social life or other campus activities or use Washington College facilities, until approved by Health or Counseling Services to do so.
A leave of absence is usually granted for two weeks (14 calendar days). If at the end of two weeks, the student has not returned to classes or been approved by Health or Counseling Services to return to classes, the Provost’s Office reviews the student’s situation, consulting with Health Services or Counseling Services when appropriate, to determine whether the student’s leave should be extended. Students who are not able or approved to return to classes at the end of four weeks are generally advised to withdraw from the College. In these cases, the withdrawal is retroactive to the last day the student attended classes and is indicated on the student’s transcript by grades of “W” in all courses in which the student was enrolled that semester.
A student who is not in good academic or social standing and who takes a leave of absence or a withdrawal for any reason does not thereby return to good standing. A student’s reinstatement of enrollment or readmission may be conditional, pending the resolution of any alleged academic or social violations of the Honor Code.
In the case of a leave due to a death in the family, the student must contact the Dean for Student Achievement and Success, Dean Lampman at alampman2@washcoll.edu. The Dean informs Student Affairs and the faculty about the student’s leave of absence and helps the student contact faculty about keeping up with course work. A bereavement leave is usually granted for 6-14 days.
The Committee on Academic Standing and Advising is responsible for monitoring the academic progress of students, rewarding academic achievement, and ensuring the proper academic advisement of students. The committee considers all cases of academic standing within the student body and handles petitions for exempting individuals from academic policy.
Students who wish to request an exception or exemption from an academic policy can do so by completing this online form. Academic policies can be found in the College Catalog.
The CARE system allows members of the Washington College community (faculty, staff, and students) to instantly report concerns about a student’s well-being. For instance, concerns about academic performance, mental and/or physical health, other concerns.
Visit the Student Affairs site to learn more about the CARE system
Opportunities for Student Enrichments, including Internships, Experiential Learning, and Faculty-Led Programs
The Office of Student Success & Achievement Maintains a listed of funding sources for students interested in Faculty led programs, internships, undergraduate research, and other enrichment opportunities. When possible, links and deadlines are included.
Washington College Faculty offer domestic and international educational trips. The trips range from 1 to 3 weeks. The trips offer a wide variety of topics ranging from business, culture, economics, environment, ethics, music, politics and religion. These programs can include academic credit. Funding opportunities are listed above.
To learn more about the specific programs visit the Global Eduication Office (GEO)